2.2 General resources and other portals
3 mins
- 2.2.1 General resources portals
- 2.2.2 Monitoring and evaluation ressources portals
- 2.2.3 Accountability and communicty engagement resources portals
- 2.2.4 Training portals
2.2.1 General resources portals
- EN: ALNAP’s Covid-19 Response Portal holds a vast collection of guidelines, tools, papers and lessons learnt.
- EN: The New Humanitarian track proposed updates on how humanitarian aid is being affected and a dedicated coronavirus newsletter.
- EN: WHO Partners Platform collates all of the WHO advice and guidance for those responding to Covid-19.
- EN: ACAPS Covid project is sharing global analysis, providing a broad overview of the situation overall, as well as context specific analysis, with a narrower focus on regions, countries and crisis hot spots.
- EN: Cambridge University Press is compiling Country responses to Covid-19 (updated regularly).
- EN: Resource material per cluster from Humanitarian Response.
- EN: The Poynter Institute created a fact checking database of worldwide articles to prevent misinformation on Covid-19.
- FR: Alternatives Humanitaire regroupe des ressources bibliographiques sur l’impact du Covid-19 dans le champs humanitaire.
- EN: IPA launched RECOVR, a research hub for researchers and decision-makers working in low- and middle-income countries.
- EN-FR: The Office of the High Commissioner of the Human Rights released a covid web page on Covid -19 and Human rights dimension (English - French){:target=”_blank”} with a guidance on emergency measures (english).
- EN-FR: The URD has developed an resources, lessons learned and evaluations observatory in the context of the Covid-19 crisis (April 2020). French version available here.
- EN-FR: Solidarités International has compiled a portal of resources and guidances for programs.
2.2.2 Monitoring and evaluation ressources portals
- EN: EES has compiled a list of relevant articles, blog posts and trainings linked with M&E.
- EN: The Sphere Handbook and the other Humanitarian Standards Partnership (HSP) initiatives offer guidance on the minimum response all crisis-affected people have the right to expect as well as the Core Humanitarian Standard Alliance.
- EN: The Evaluation Support Service to the DG DEVCO of the European Commission have started to compile resources related to evaluation in time of crisis.
2.2.3 Accountability and communicty engagement resources portals
- EN: Connect:Covid-19 from Internews, Translators without Borders, BBC Media Action, and Evidence Aidis a weekly digest that will connect you with quality resources and fact-checked information designed to combat misinformation in the Covid-19 crisis.
- EN: IFRC’s Community Engagement Hub continues to share community engagement and accountability into your Covid-19 operations. Especially, this resource provides recommendations on volunteers social mobilisation in remote context.
- EN: IASC has created a portal of tools and resources aimed at those working on accountability and inclusivity in humanitarian response and a portal related to documents concerning readiness and response.
- EN: TWB is offering a glossary, resources for lower literacy level context and language data.
2.2.4 Training portals
- EN: Disaster-ready free training course for help responders of Covid-19 to learn more about the virus and steps to prevent its spread.
- EN: Save the Children and Humanitarian Leadership academy collaborated on this Open access pathway for partners and local responders.
- EN-FR: Essentials for virus prevention and control by Bioforce. French version available here.
To see other resources related to information management developed by CartONG, you can consult the Mobile Data Collection Toolbox and in particular the Data Visualization Toolbox!