1 Introduction
2 Getting started with OSM
2.1 Definition
2.2 Creating your OSM account
2.3 OSM ecosystem
3 OSM Mapping from your computer
3.1 Two ways to map with OSM
3.1.1 Mapping with HOT's Tasking Manager
3.1.2 Direct contribution to OSM
3.2 Starting to map with OSM
3.2.1 Your first steps on iD Editor
3.2.2 Your first steps on JOSM
3.2.3 Mapping the main features with iD Editor
3.2.4 Mapping the main features with JOSM
3.3 Data quality control
3.3.1 Editor set-up
3.3.2 Starting to validate
3.3.3 General instructions
3.3.4 Validation step by step
3.4 Checking the overall mapping consistency
3.4.1 How to get started?
3.4.2 Step 1 - Fixing the last errors in the area
3.4.3 Step 2 - Landuse
3.4.4 Step 3 - The road network
3.4.5 Step 4 - The river system
4 OSM mapping from the field
5 Making maps with OSM
OpenStreetMap Toolbox
3 OSM Mapping from your computer
3.3 Data quality control
3.3.4 Validation step by step
3.3.4 Validation step by step
1 min
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