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GIS Toolbox

3.2.2 And Mapping?

An integral part of geographic information systems, cartography aims to design and produce maps. It mobilizes concepts and issues similar to those related to GIS. The map is one of the final products possible thanks to GIS, although the creation of a map does not necessarily require the use of GIS software.


Static maps

The first map production format is the static format, the most classical. There are many softwares which, without being GIS, allow to produce this kind of maps. This is the case of Google Earth, Magrit or Khartis (cf. Part 6 : Tools tutorials).

Dynamic maps

The multiplication of cartographic visualization tools in our daily life such as Google Maps or Bing Maps extends the use of the map to the only static support. This format of dynamic maps corresponds to webmapping technologies. Webmapping corresponds to the dissemination of cartographic data via a website where The user can access and interact with the available information.

Static Map vs. Dynamic Map
A distinction is made between static maps, in image format, which can be printed, and dynamic maps, which can be viewed on a web browser and which allow interaction with the map (zooming, displaying/hiding a layer, clicking on the data).

We distinguish between turnkey webmapping tools, such as uMap or GoGoCarto (see Part 6: Tool tutorials), and custom-developed applications based on the same technologies (JavaScript libraries, server architecture, etc.). We will not deal here with the latter, which require advanced skills in web development languages.