4.3 Selecting a digital data collection tool in a responsible way
Checklist of key considerations to keep in mind in order to select a new digital data collection tool in a responsible way
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The health crisis has prompted many organizations to adapt their data collection practices. These changes included using new tools, or being forced to scale up tools that they had only previously used only on a smaller scale. For instance, some organizations began collecting sensitive data such as Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) alerts using CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing) software, when they had only previously done so through paper-based data collection. Others generalized the use of smartphones to all their data collection activities, which until then had been limited to monitoring infrastructures.
The introduction of new tools or the scaling up of these tools necessarily raises data protection issues as soon as the data collected is personal and/or sensitive. However, it often turns out that local and international aid organizations do not have the resources (time, human resources, etc.) or even the skills to analyze tools from a data protection perspective.
This checklist therefore aims to provide some elements of popularization and awareness raising to help in the decision-making process of choosing a new data collection tool through a data protection lens.
To go furter on this topic, see :
- the Responsible Data Management toolbox,
- section 4.1.1 Choosing and setting up your software of the Mobile Data Collection toolbox,
- section [9.1 Choose your tool] (/learning-corner/en/9_analysing_mdc/9_1_tool_selection_page) of the Mobile Data Collection toolbox.