1 Introduction
2 Mobilizing mapping and GIS
2.1 Static mapping
2.2 Dynamic mapping
2.3 In the field
3 Key concepts in GIS
3.1 The rise of mapping and GIS
3.2 What is GIS
3.2.1 The components of GIS
3.2.2 And Mapping?
3.3 Some key concepts
3.3.1 The layers
3.3.2 The attribute table
3.3.3 The raster and vector data
3.3.4 The geometry
3.3.5 Coordinates, coordinate systems and projections
3.4 Example of GIS tools and software
3.4.1 Mobile Data Collection tools
3.4.2 GIS / Mapping tools
3.4.3 Webmapping tools
4 Handling geographic data
4.1 Data formats
4.2 Data sources
4.3 Platforms and data sources
4.4 Data management
5 Sensitive Data & GIS
5.1 Definition
5.2 Facing sensitive data
5.3 How to process sensitive data
6 Tools tutorials
6.1 Data collection tutorials
6.1.1 The Mobile Data Collection Toolkit
6.1.2 ArcGIS FieldMaps
6.1.3 OsmAnd Tutorial
6.2 Mapping tutorials
6.2.1 Google Earth
6.2.2 Magrit
6.2.3 Khartis
6.3 GIS tutorials
6.3.1 QGIS Tutorials
6.3.2 ArcGIS Pro
6.3.3 ArcMap
6.4 Turnkey Web Mapping Tutorials
7 Good practices in mapping
7.1 The composition of a map
7.2 The 8 golden rules
7.3 The 4 semiological errors
7.4 Other resources
8 Going further
8.1 Integrate and use OSM data in QGIS
8.2 Publishing a web map via QGIS
8.3 Data collection
8.4 Remote sensing and satellite images
8.5 Other resources
GIS Toolbox
6 Tools tutorials
6.2 Mapping tutorials
6.2.1 Google Earth
6.2.1 Google Earth
1 min
Google Earth Manual
will introduce you to this free mapping software developed by Google.
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