1 Introduction
Complementary to the Analysis toolbox. The following toolbox will focus on basic data visualization, meant for any beginners that want or need to start on the subject.
How to use it?
This toolbox has been designed so users do not need to read the document from beginning to end, as the modules are independent. Each section helps you on different aspects of data visualization: basic tips, how to choose the best chart, how to communicate around your visualization. It also includes a “test your skills section”. In total, the toolbox is divided into 7 modules:
- Why are we visualizing data?,
- Basic rules and quick tips,
- Choosing the best chart,
- Visualization for qualitative information,
- How to communicate around visualization,
- Test your skills,
- To go further.
Throughout the toolbox, we will be providing examples and references to a case-study, for which we recommend to consult the description here. It is a rapid needs assessment that provides analysis examples of common and/or standardized humanitarian indicators. Excel will be the basis of the applied analysis in the case-study.
Overall, the toolbox aims to provide an accessible theoretical explanation on how to visualize data within the aid sector.
Link to other toolboxes
Before going into visualization, it is very important to understand the basics of data analysis, hence check out the Analysis toolbox.
To begin with Information and data Management in general (not only analysis) you can also check out CartONG’s Information Management beginner’s glossary.
Created in 2006, CartONG is a French H2H/support NGO specialized in Information Management. Our goal is to put data at the service of humanitarian, development and social action projects. We are dedicated to improving the quality and accountability of field activities, in particular through better needs assessments and monitoring and evaluation. We act as a multidisciplinary resources and expertise centre, accompanying our partners’ strategies and operations. Our staff and volunteers also support the community as a whole by producing documentation, building capacities and raising awareness on the technical, strategic and ethical challenges of digital technologies.
This toolbox was produced as part of the project “Strengthening Information Management within francophone CSOs” led by CartONG and co-financed by the French Development Agency (AFD) over the 2019-2022 period. For more information, see the article published on our website or contact us by email.
This publication is supported by the French Development Agency (AFD), Action Against Hunger (ACF) and Terre des Hommes (Tdh). Nevertheless, the ideas and opinions presented in this toolbox do not necessarily represent those of AFD, ACF and Tdh.
This toolbox was designed using resources from Flaticon.com and The Noun Project.