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Program data self-assessment methodology

1 Introduction

The self-assessment methodology offered here comprises three tools in total. The purpose of the latter is to reach different types of audiences, with more or less experience on the topic of program data management, and to offer them a combination of materials that will enable them to judge, in full autonomy, their organisation’s degree of maturity on the topic.

Said self-assessment methodology was developed within the framework of the project aimed at “Strengthening French-speaking Civil Society Organizations’ (CSOs) program data management” (more information below), to provide NGOs with a starting point on which to build a reflection on the topic in-house, given the diversity of resources and the difficulty of bringing them together in a single place.

How should it be used?

Each of the three tools shown below has specific roles, separate from the other components, whilst being complementary. You will learn more about the different objectives of each tool and how they interlink in the sections specifically referring to them, but you should already note that there is no right or wrong way to take ownership of this methodology. You can choose to use one or several of these tools, regardless of the order, as long as they meet your immediate needs.

However, their articulation was thought out in a gradual and progressive manner:

  1. You can start your reflection and discover the topic via the flowchart,
  2. You can thereafter map your information flows to identify the flow of program data, then
  3. Perform a full self-assessment so as to accurately establish your strengths and weaknesses in program data management.

Please note: This methodology concerns program data above all, no other types of data will therefore be brought up (e.g., HR or administrative), the specificities of which would have required the development of other tools.

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The program data self-assessment methodology was developed by the CartONG team, in particular Brice Pruvost, Maeve de France, Marion Chranuski and also Maryline Chabanis.

Created in 2006, CartONG is a French H2H/support NGO specialized in Information Management. Our goal is to put data at the service of humanitarian, development and social action projects. We are dedicated to improving the quality and accountability of field activities, in particular through better needs assessments and monitoring and evaluation. We act as a multidisciplinary resources and expertise centre, accompanying our partners’ strategies and operations. Our staff and volunteers also support the community as a whole by producing documentation, building capacities and raising awareness on the technical, strategic and ethical challenges of digital technologies.

This program data self-assessment methodology was developed as part of the project “Strengthening Information Management within francophone CSOs” led by CartONG and co-financed by the French Development Agency (AFD) over the 2019-2022 period. For more information, see the article published on our website or contact us by email.


The program data self-assessment methodology is supported by the French Development Agency (AFD). Nevertheless, the ideas and opinions presented in this methodology do not necessarily represent those of the AFD.

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This methodology was designed using resources from and The Noun Project.